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Welcome to the NGL archive!

Here you can find an archive of all the anonymous messages I have been sent from various adorable cuties along with my responses to each of them!

I would kiss and cuddle chu every day

>~< Please do, no objections from me hehe :3

BlueSky Twitter

When the best sister wakes up i wan her to know i love her lots 💕 💜 :333

Now ams awake I want my cutiedobable sister to know I love her twice as much 💜 :3

BlueSky Twitter

it's been a while since we've talked, I just wanna say I appreciate you as a friend and I want to pat you

Aww I hope we get to talk more soon ya cutiepie, that and I want the chance to give ya some pats and cuddles in return hehe :3

BlueSky Twitter

whats the best burp u ever burped

I forgor :3
But when I was young I used to be able to burp my ABCs :p

BlueSky Twitter

Guess who sent you this message :3
I'm not a cutie tho

I don't know anyone who isn't a cutie though so ams not sure :p

But almost guarantee chu a super duper anonymous cutiepie hehe ^-^

BlueSky Twitter

everything ok?

Ams the eepy >~<

BlueSky Twitter

your biggest insecurity?

when no hug ;-;

BlueSky Twitter

youre cute

Awe thankchu, my inspiration for being so cute is all my adorable friends and followers hehe :3

BlueSky Twitter

one friend ur thankful for...

I can't just say one as I'm thankful to all my friends ya muffin hehe
Love chu all 💜

BlueSky Twitter

what was the best day so far this year?

The day I got a letter saying I got accepted and put on the waitlist for a gender clinic :3

BlueSky Twitter

Why chu so cute??

Sorry I'll put the mirror down now :3

BlueSky Twitter

Chu cutiepatootiepie kaiyladobable dont dent the truth!
Love ya sis! :3
Hehe :3 💜

Why would I want to dent the truth, ams happy being the twin sister of the adorable muffin Kaidobable!
Love chu too! 💜

BlueSky Twitter

Can we call you the queen of all the cuties?

Hmm, I mean that sounds like a lot of responsibility and I prefer being goofy and unresponsible hehe
But if chu would like sure, and as the new queen of cuties I hereby declare that all of you are adorable cuties hehe 💜

BlueSky Twitter

What if a catgirl fell onto your lap from the ceiling and started cuddling you lots, nya? :3
- rinya

Well first I'd make sure she was ok since a fall from that height sounds painful.
But then I'd cuddle ya right back and keep cuddling ya forever and ever hehe 💜 🥺

BlueSky Twitter

Can I give u lot's of cuddles and a kiss

ofc, never saying no to cuddles! 💜
Cuddles and kisses for all the cuties! ^-^

BlueSky Twitter

I hope ur 2024 is going okie!
Cheers & congrats on doing ur best! 🫂 🙏 💙 🦋

It's been allot of ups and downs but it's been okie so far, tysm cutiepie! 💜

BlueSky Twitter

Skyladobable can we cuddle :3 - not kai :3

Of course ya cutie patootie who is totally not Kai hehe
All the cuddles! 💜

BlueSky Twitter

How are you today ❤️‍🩹

Been a super busy and slightly stressful few days so it's a mix of being tired and sleepy. Just relaxing now answering messages from cuties so ams happily hehe
Hope you are okie today anonymous cutiepie 💜

BlueSky Twitter

i really like you

I like you too kind stranger! <3

BlueSky Twitter

youre cute

Awe hehe chu making me blush, you are super duper mega cute too hehe :3

BlueSky Twitter

how do u manage to be the most bestest beautiful sister ever? chu cutie skyladobable :3

Well the secret is I take all my inspiration from my cutiedorable sister Kai hehe, she a super duper cutiepie ^-^ 💜

BlueSky Twitter

Wanna snuggle ? :3

Yes! pls! I want! I want!!!! :3 🥺

BlueSky Twitter

What the dog doin?

Been pondering this exact question for 2 years 4 months and 7 seconds now and I think I finally know now what the dog was doin.
They were... wait why are there federal agents outside my house...?


honeyyyyyyyy 🥺 *pokepokepokepokepokepokepoke*

awwww hehe I lovs chu too rosebud! 🥺
💜 *mmmwah* 💜

BlueSky Twitter

youre cute

Nuh uh! chu are are all the cute ones, a big bunch of cuties and I wanna hug you all hehe :3

BlueSky Twitter

i love uuuuuu!!

awww I love you too, even more than you love me hehe ^-^ 💕

BlueSky Twitter

Youre so cute skyladorable!
Mwah mwah mwah
-Rinya :3

ababa >~< s- so are you!
*mmmwah* love chu Rinyadorable /p 💜

BlueSky Twitter

How are you today ❤️‍🩹

Very eepy... so nothing new hehe :3
Hope chu are doing well cutie <3

BlueSky Twitter

hey chur a cutie:3 meow

And so are chu ya adorable cutie patootie! ^-^ nya~ 💜

BlueSky Twitter

*huggies and cuddles skyladobable cutiepie princess* hehe :3
adobable skyladobable!

>~< aww thankchu very totally anonymous cutie hehe
I know its a lil late but have some cuddles in return ^-^

BlueSky Twitter

A message from kaizo's girlfriend, you two are adorable so stop arguing

Aww okie but that also means you are adorable too then hehe ^-^

BlueSky Twitter

You're just so precious and adorable, I love you so much!

>w< stooop chu gunna make me blush, also love you too you super precious cutiedorable anonymous cutie hehe 💜

BlueSky Twitter

i love uuuuuu!!

I love uuuuuuu too 💜💜💜💜💜

BlueSky Twitter

you're amazing and my best friend

Chu even more amazing chu cutie! 💜

BlueSky Twitter

skyladobable chu adobable precious cute beautiful wonderful incredible vewy kind and nice princess 🥺
much love to the amazing gorgeous good girl skyladobable da bean :3
- kaikai da gay

>w< says you, you are all of those things doubled kaikai. Much love to you too sweetie 💜 🥺

BlueSky Twitter

i love uuuuuu!!

Awww I love you more!!!!! 💜

BlueSky Twitter

a secret you kept from your parents 👀

Main one that comes to mind was me being trans that I kept through most of highschool and college.
Other than that not to many secrets :p

BlueSky Twitter

youre cute

Nuu chu are you anonymous adorable cutie patootie ^-^

BlueSky Twitter

Youre a cutiepie and i love you :3

Ily too Rinya, thankchu 💜
Ps. Chu puurdy :3


Skyladorable :3

If chu want adorable go look in a mirror silly cutie :p <3


skyladorable good girl

Nuu chu are >w<
Me bad girl *nyas aggressively* :3


adorable precious cute lovely amazing incredible beautiful gorgeous skyla :3
- not kaizo :3

Jsirur837 thankchu kind stranger who is not the beautiful super adorable cutie patootie kaiso hehe 💜


i will fuckign kiss you

Not if I fuckign kiss you first >:3
*mmmwah* hehe



No u :3



Who sent this, I need you to know you are more adorable :3


i'm so lonely. wish i could spend time with someone like you...

Aww thankyou hehe.
Wish I could too ^-^



More of a ^w^ person but for you
UwU hehe


Skylawyla how are youwu?

Hewwo I am vewwy tired and sweepy hehe :3


i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too I love you too


wassssssssssssup :3

Wasssssssup hehe :3
Also not allot I'm very sleepy >~<


Hi! I just followed because I got recommended your account and you seem cool! Would love to chat sometime but I don't wanna like invade dms or be weird and stuff lol.
So uh take this as a nice to meet you!
Even if it's anonymous idk what my point is here uh hi!

Hai it's okie dear, I'm always happy to talk to people, feel free to message me hehe Nice to meet you too! :3



meow :3


hi uwu

Hai ^w^


owo, uwu or >w<

(Also like using ^w^ and ^-^)


Adorable precious amazing cutiepie prettie sweetheart beautiful gorgeous princess skyla :3
ud never know who did this >:3
it was totally not kaizo!

>w< hehe Ty totally not Kaizo, ya pretty cutiepie of pure adorableness 💜


You ever just

Nah I usually just


sonic 2 or sonic 2 movie

Haven't been able to watch the movie yet so im not sure I can give an opinion on this haha


hello love of my life i just have one important question for you
does pineapple belong on pizza?

Hello hon, I would have to say no since both of us dont like it hehe.
Also if we put it on pizza where would SpongeBob live hehe


Hey skyla
Youre adorable, wonderful and a sweetheart!
Youre an awesome girl and I love you <3
P.s guess who this is, it shouldnt be hard :3

Jfjdhsb haiii ily2 ya cutie patootie munchkin hehe 💜
All those things right back at you :3

Hmmm again I'm almost certain which cutiepie sent this but not fully sowwy 🥺


Do you think am pretty, cute, and adorable? You'll never guess who sent this! >:3

Hmmm I would say more omega pretty, cute and adorable hehe 💜

Also I think I know who you are but not 100% certain sowwy >~<



meow meow nya~ <3


not sure what i should say, so i'll just say that you're one big cutie <3

Hehe Ty, and so are you and everyone who sees this, you are all massive cuties hehe :3


Your a keeper. I'm glad I'm your friend 🦊🖤💙

Awww likewise for youe, love y'all to bits hehe 💜


nutella or jelly?

Depending on which jelly.

US id go with Nutella since Im not a fan of jelly
UK I'd go Jelly since I have a slight allergy to chocolate

(Over here in the abyss we call American jelly jam and we call Jello Jelly, it's wierd ik)


hiii *huggggg*

Haiii ily2 hehe ^w^


Do you think that the world would be a better place if everything from the internet was deleted and they only let Scott the Woz do videos

Please no hate but I have never actually watched Scott the woz so I would have to say maybe but not sure for this one...


What is your favourite animal?

Cats with fox's being a close second :3


hi lol
minecraft or minecraft
from @realtnunamed
yes its not anonymous


Hmm hard decision I think I would go with... Minecraft. :3


You are cute -from: Theacutenya

Awww fsushdbd so many adorable cuties calling me cute imma explode hehe
You are super cute too @TheaCuteNya 💜





Skyla, I has question. Am I a coot catboy?

Hmmm I prefer the word adorable more ya cutie patootie hehe ^w^


I'm so sorry, but you're very cute and awesome.
Facts don't care about your feelings!

Aww okie well only if you say so. 💜
Also someone gotta tell me how you do that little p face at the bottom lol


you are based

And so is everyone else here, Ty hehe :3


yeah you're not cute, you're actually adorable. major difference.

Aww Ty, so are you hehe! <3


make a video game - talha

Wouldn't even know where to begin with making a game haha
Would be a fun project to try at some point when I have some free time though.


im sorry but youre not cute

Well you heard it here first, guess I'm officially not cute!


why wont you leave me alone

Might be easier to answer if I knew who you were tbh...


Hi! Ur really pretty

Aww stahp it hehe 🥺
By you know who else is super pretty, you ^-^


how are u so dang cute all the time u adorable precious cute anazing sweet kind catgirl cutie skyla? :3 - totally not kaizo hehe :3

Hmmm have no idea who sent this one in, I'm just trying to be like some of my adorable and omega cute friends like the amazing Kaizo hehe 💜



Mwah hehe >w<


U supah coot! ^w^

Aww Ty hehe, just like you and all the other wonderful cutiepies who see this ^w^


umm idk what should i say exactly, so i'll just say this:
you're adorable and ily <3

Awww thankyou dear, love you too ya adorable cutiepie hehe ^w^


opinion on the s p l a t o o n t w o l e t s p l a y s by eggman?

Uhhh never heard of it...?


You're the cutest, sweetest, most incredible person I've ever met and I love you to death <3

Feel like I know who sent this one in hehe
All those things right back at you, love you too ya adorable snugglebun! 💜



Never really was interested in Pokémon, closest thing I have seen to it was Pokémobs by element animation haha.


You're an adorable, cute snugglebug <3
Yeah I know, veeery anonymous ehe :3

Aww so are you ya very anonymous cutiepie 💜
